Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ten Tips for a Well-Run Home

"There's just not enough time in the day!"

I'm sure you have felt this way before. There is just so much to do and not enough time to do it. Here at Dan Ryan Builders, we understand it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the day. Here are some habits you can implement today to make sure your home is a happy, healthy place:

1.) Evening preparations. Make sure everything that is needed to leave the house in the morning is prepped and where it should be. Teach your children this habit as soon as you possibly can, it can make your life easier.

2.)  Do one complete load of laundry a day. From start to finish. Build a habit of grabbing everyone’s clothes after bathtime and tossing in wash. and then toss in dryer before bed. Or in the morning when you get up. Take 5-10 minutes to fold and put away that load (or have your kids do it!) One load a day may or may not be enough for your family, but doing at least one load every day will help you stay on top of the pile.

3.)  Do your best to get your dishes done in the evening before going to bed. I know this can be hard sometimes, but think how much better it feels in the morning to come down to a clean sink. Build this habit and you will appreciate it. Again, if your kids are old enough to do the dishes or at least help, then let them!

4.)  Take 5 minutes and buzz through the bathrooms with a damp cloth. Straighten, wipe, and keep a toilet brush handy for swishing the toilet. Take any dirty towels and clothes to laundry room. Some days use a paper towel with Windex to shine things up, including the mirror.

5.)  Have a bedtime routine that includes putting away toys, books, dishes, trash, etc and picking out clothes for tomorrow. Having this routine in place will help your kids learn responsibility and know what is expected of them.

Follow just one or two tips a week and see how much of an impact it makes on your life!

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