Friday, April 27, 2012

Ten Ways to Green your Home

It seems like the color green is on everyone’s mind these days. From “green” cars to “green” grocery bags, staying green is not only environmentally friendly, but also a great way to save money.

“When it comes to the environment, being a good global citizen starts at your doorstep. From recycling to using alternative cleaning materials, minor changes at home can add up to real benefits for the planet, not to mention your own health and happiness”

Some of their tips to stay green are:

1). Green up your appliances-Energy Star-qualified appliances use 10%-50% less energy and water than standard models

2.) Watch the temp.- Almost half a home's energy consumption is due to heating and cooling.

3.) Save Water-Put an aerator on all household faucets and cut your annual water consumption by 50%.

To read the other seven tips, visit

Dan Ryan Builders knows that these are hard times and it takes little changes to make big differences in your monthly expenses. That is why our homes are built with Energy Star appliances, HVAC systems with sealed ductwork for minimal leakage, and faucets that reduce water consumption. To learn more about Dan Ryan’s effort to help the environment, visit

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