All of these rooms are in Dan Ryan homes! |
I was looking at the Dan Ryan
pinterest page today, and I was inspired by our "For the Kids!" board. It showcases some of our favorite decorating ideas for kid's rooms as well as adorable products to buy for your little one! Anyways, I got to thinking about how much time and effort people put into their kid's room when they move to a new home. Usually, the child's room is the first to get painted and decorated (kids are not the most patient creatures, after all).
So why not make it a fun place your kids will want to go to?
HGTV gives us 10 tips to make your child's room beautiful and functional. Here are some of my favorites:
1.) Most craft and hobby stores sell an additive to paint that allows it to
glow in the dark. Try painting stars and a moon on your child's ceiling
or a cityscape around the edge of the room. This will get them excited
about turning out the lights at night.
2.) If you are painting a dresser or other furniture you know the child will
grow out of be sure to let them help. The child could also put their
signature on it with personal hand prints or fingerprints for a polka-dot
3.) Kids are collectors, so make collecting easy. Pictures and postcards
don't always have to be stuck to a cork board. Try hanging them from
strings in front of a window or clipping them to a string along the wall
to create an interactive border in a room.
4.) To help your kids stay organized, keep things at their height. Closet
storage, benches and coat racks will all be used more often if kids can
get to them easily.
{Read the whole article here}
These tips and ideas will make your child's room their favorite in the house. Now, you have to think about a different place to send them for punishment!